PocketC Architect is the evolution of PocketC.
PocketC Architect uses the same advanced OrbC compiler and runtime developed for
OrbForms Designer, with enhancements to allow it to compile classic PocketC
applications. In the tradition of classic PocketC, PocketC Architect is
available in both a Palm-based compiler and a Windows development environment.
- Powerful, familiar C-like language
- Full support for objects, inheritance, and
- Debug language features (logging, asserts,
debug-only code)
- Rich object-based APIs
- Support for native add-ins (custom functions
and objects)
- Automatic form resize on compatible devices
- Compatible with projects created in
OrbForms Designer
- Compatible (with minimal effort) with
PocketC source code
PocketC Architect Desktop Edition
PocketC Architect for Palm OS
The Palm version of PocketC Architect allows you to
compile on-the-go. PocketC Architect provides the following features:
- Compile PocketC Architect, classic PocketC,
or OrbForms Designer applications
- Hide or show classic PocketC source code
- Compile from Memo or PDOC files
- Edit source code with your favorite editor
- Jump to source code line on error
- Detailed compile status
- Compiled applications are always run from
OS app launcher
PocketC Architect requires OS 5.0, due to the
memory needed for the enhanced compiler. Applications created with PocketC
Architect can run on OS 3.0 and higher. |
Runtime Environment
PocketC Architect creates Palm applications either as
standalone applications (desktop edition only), or as smaller applications that require the
runtime. Which way you distribute your application is up to you.
The OrbC runtime environment provides access to the
Palm OS and the hardware through functions and objects. Currently, there is full
support for databases, memo pad entries, string manipulation, user interface
objects (forms, menu, controls, images), data structures (string lists, and
string dictionaries), saved preferences, math functions, sound, dates,
networking, VFS, serial I/O, and color
drawing with off-screen buffering.
System Requirements
- Windows 98/Me or Windows 2000/XP
- Internet Explorer 4 (for help system)
- Palm OS 5.0 or higher (for compiler)
- Palm OS 3.0 or higher (for runtime)