
PocketC for Palm OS

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PocketC for PalmOS is an easy-to-use development tool for Palm OS-based devices. PocketC is available in two forms: a device-based compiler, and a desktop environment.


  • Simple language to learn and program
  • Compiles to bytecode, allowing you to save/share only the compiled applet if desired
  • Invisible data-type conversions to ease programming
  • String data type
  • Rich function library including graphics (color, high-density, and offscreen buffering), sound, database I/O, networking, VFS, and serial I/O
  • Extensive user-created libraries

PocketC for Palm OS

PocketC is all you need to create and run applications directly on your Palm OS-based device, no computer required. Create your source code in memo pad or a Doc editor, compile it with PocketC, and run your application directly from the PocketC application.
  • Compiles source code from memo pad or doc files
  • Quickly jump to compile errors (using memo pad, Qed, pedit, CryptoPad)
  • Backup the compiled application to your desktop, and distribute

For large applications we recommend using Qed as your editor.

PocketC Desktop Edition

PocketC Desktop Edition is the desktop complement to PocketC, allowing you do develop Palm OS applications on you desktop computer. In addition to all the benefits of PocketC, the Desktop Edition adds the following:
  • Basic syntax-highlighting editor
  • Function parameter help (including user-written functions)
  • Function list bar (sortable)
  • QuickDocs bar to display short documentation for built-in functions (can also display help for native libraries and user-written functions)
  • Optimized compiler generates smaller, faster code
  • Function pruning, to remove unused functions from the output file
  • Create standalone applications (PocketC runtime not required)

Download the Palm OS Emulator to do all your development and testing on your desktop computer.

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